Design Patterns

I’ve spent a lot of time over several years arguing with architects. It got me a job once – the stated goal of the position during the interview was “I need someone to go argue with the architecture group whenever they want us to do something stupid”. The general argument was always the same. Someone thinks that every three line for loop needed to become eleven classes with names like “FizzBuzzOutputGenerationContextVisitorFactory”.

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Programming Languages and Taste

I’ve been thinking a lot about why I gravitate towards certain languages and revulse from others. Or as I put it on Mastodon, “I reject languages that are almost exactly to my taste because some relatively small thing I don’t like becomes an unbearable affront to my sense of good taste, and so I return to C++, a language I can find almost no redeeming value in.” That’s overstating it a bit, but there is some truth there.

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